WWE WrestleMania Spirit Week: Top 5 WWE Themes of All Time
Apr 2, 2018, 12:00 AM | Updated: May 23, 2024, 10:11 am

(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)
by Matt George, Sports 1140 KHTK Reporter
Forget the Super Bowl. Enough about the NBA Finals. What even is the World Cup? Everyone knows there is only one true major event in sports; WrestleMania.
Yes indeed it is WrestleMania week as we get ready for the 34th clash of the immortals, the ultimate stage in professional wrestling, that takes place Sunday in New Orleans. In order to build up to such a monstrous event, WWE has taken over the KHTK website for WrestleMania Spirit Week!
Today’s piece: The five greatest WWE theme songs of all-time.
First, let me preface this list by saying that these picks are completely my own. I discussed with multiple wrestling experts inside the KHTK studios, but the final decision was mine. That being said, let’s first take a look at some honorable mentions:
The Rock’s “Electrifying”
The Rock is easily one of the greatest superstars of all time. And make no mistake about it, his theme is awesome. But it’s selling point isn’t the actual song, it’s the famous “If you smell what The Rock is cooking” that hits just before the music.
John Cena’s “My Time Is Now”
Not only a meme, John Cena’s theme is probably one of the most recognized in all of sports entertainment. The catch beat calls for fun chants, head bobs, and plenty of boos. Cena rapping over the beat is an ode to his thuganomics days, but some of the cringe lines like “I’m storming on you chumps like thunder and lightning” and “You’ll never catch me in the next man’s sweater” keep it out of the top five.
Mark Henry’s “Some Bodies Gonna Get It”
This one is purely for sing-along purposes. Mark Henry, the world’s strongest man, had one of the most fun themes ever to sing along to. As the big man made his way down to the ring to induct people into his Hall of Pain, his theme would be on the lips of nearly everyone in attendance. And probably most at home too, despite being a major heel.
WWE Top Five Themes of All-Time:
5: The Usos’ “Day One Ish”
I already know I am going to get a lot of grief for this pick but I don’t care. The new Usos theme is easily the best theme on the active WWE roster right now. There are very few WWE themes that I would actually listen to outside of a wrestling event, and this is one of them. For that reason, and the fact that it’s an absolute bop, it belongs on my top five.
4: DX’s “Are You Ready”
You knew when the DX music hit you were in for one of two things; a fun and goofy segment or a bad-ass fight. DX has an incredibly unique ability to be on top of the world any and every time they enter a WWE ring. Their iconic, stick-it-to-the-man theme has a lot to do with it.
3: Hulk Hogan’s “Real American”
Don’t call it a cop-out. Of course Hulk Hogan belongs on this list. His “Real American” theme is to this day one of the most recognizable in all of sports entertainment. It’s hard not to sing along to the Hulkster’s music as he made his way down to the ring.
2: The Undertaker’s “Rest In Peace”
Some themes make the wrestler. The Undertaker makes this theme what it is. Anyone who has ever been to a live WWE event where Undertaker’s iconic bell hits knows the chill that comes with it. There really isn’t much that is special about this theme, it’s just part of the whole package that makes Taker the greatest character in the history of professional wrestling. Therefore, it had to make the list.
1: Stone Cold’s “Hell Frozen Over”
The glass shatters. The music hits. And every wrestling fan around the world knows that someone is about to get demolished by The Rattlesnake. I, unfortunately, wasn’t much of a fan during Stone Cold Steve Austin’s prime days, but it didn’t take long for me to learn that his feud with Mr. McMahon, and his “F U Authority” style, can never be replicated. You say the Undertaker’s bell is the most recognizable sound in wrestling? I give you Stone Cold’s glass shattering theme.
Agree with my list? What are your top five WWE themes of all-time? Tweet them to @Sports1140KHTK and @MattGeorgeKHTK and make your case.
Check back to KHTK.com every day this week for more wrestling content as we count down the days to WrestleMania 34!